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The goaltender can only control the puck inside the trapezoid while below the goal line.If he takes it outside, he will be assessed a 2:00 min delay of game penalty.

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Q: What are the NHL rules about the trapezoid?
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What are the NHL Rules and Regulations?

Check out the official NHL rulebook for NHL rules. You can get there by using the link below.

What are the NHL's rules for the winter Olympics?

There aren't any NHL rules during the Olympics. The refs use International Hockey rules

In the NHL will a goalie get a delay of game penalty for playing the puck behind the net outside the trapezoid?


What is the trapazoid zone for in NHL hockey?

The trapezoid is the only place that the goalies are allowed to play the puck. This is a rule that came into the NHL during the lockout, what it does is it makes the game go faster because the goalie can no longer play the puck outside the trapezoid and freeze it or try to move the puck from there.

How many rules are in the NHL?

I would suggest you go and click on rules. This will enable to view and/or download the NHL Rulebook to read at your own convenience.

What are the rules and regulation of hockey?

The NHL rules are too many and too involved to list here. I would suggest you go and check out the rulebook yourself. Also, you can simply Google NHL rulebook or NHL Official Rules. You should also remember that, while hockey is hockey, a number of rules/regulations used in the European/international game are different from the NHL pro game.

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The NHL rules are too many and too involved to list here. I would suggest you go and check out the rulebook yourself. Also, you can simply Google NHL rulebook or NHL Official Rules. You should also remember that, while hockey is hockey, a number of rules/regulations used in the European/international game are different from the NHL pro game.

What are the rules for Canadian hockey?

Canadian hockey is the same as the NHL.

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What is a parallelogram used for in sports?

not sure if any sport uses parallelograms but hockey (in the NHL that is) has a trapezoid shape behind the nets, which is part of the goalie's crease.

Should headshots be allowed in the NHL?

yes but stricter rules should be made

What are some rules of playing hockey?

If you go to the website and click on RULES, you will be able to view the official NHL Rule Book.