are you asking for help on finding definition for geometric terms? if so go to: and to wikipedia for x and j terms
In geometry, deductive rules can be used to prove conjectures.
It is a very basic concept which cannot be defined. Undefined terms are used to define other concepts. In Euclidean geometry, for example, point, line and plane are not defined.
There are no geometry terms that start with the letter J. Geometry deals with the spatial relationships of objects.
It depends on how you define "ways" and how you define "lines" and how you define "intersect" and what kind of geometry you're talking about, but in Euclidean geometry, lines either never intersect, or they intersect at a single point, or they can intersect at all points within the lines.
There are hundreds of terms associated with Geometry. A list of sixteen Geometry terms starting with just the letter P are Pythagorean theorem, Pi, pyramid, polygon, parabola, polytope, points, planes, projective geometry, platonic solids, parallel, power center, pedal triangle, prototile, polyhedron, and pseudosphere.
the three terms; point, line and plane can be defined although it is called the undefined terms still we know and we can define the meanings of that terms.. common sense? joke.
Yes. Even though those terms are left undefined, they are used together with ordinary words to define other geometric terms.
We use words we know to define new terms in geometry. The words point, line and plane have no other words in geometry to describe them They are the building blocks.
I am prepared to define any term in geometry. If there is some term for which you would like to have a definition, just ask.
In geometry, deductive rules can be used to prove conjectures.
It is a very basic concept which cannot be defined. Undefined terms are used to define other concepts. In Euclidean geometry, for example, point, line and plane are not defined.
This is true not just in geometry but in every field of knowledge. You can define complicated concepts in terms of simpler ones, and those simpler ones in still simpler ones and so on. However, you will end up with a few terms which cannot be defined in terms of simpler concepts (without going into a circular definition). These terms must remain undefined.
Geometry is the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces.
Trapezoid and triangle are geometry terms. They begin with T.
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