Straight angle, which is 180 degree, obtuse angle, which is 179 degree to 91 degree, right angle, which is 90 degree, and acute angle, which is 89 degree to 1 degree.
With three different angles in the corners: Scalene With one different angles in a corner: Isosceles With all the same angles: Equilateral
wikianswers isn't for your math homework. Sorry kid.
different angles by using two stripe
Opposite angles Dur pay attention in math class
It has to do with math becuz u hav to cut the paper in different angles and stuff!!!!!!
you could tell about different angles in different hits/serves.
Baseball utilizes lots of math because it has so much to do with angles and speed of a projectile. A baseball hit in different ways will go in different directions.
acute, obuse, or right angles
An obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles with all 3 angles adding up to 180 degrees.
Acute is in math, more likely in the geometry area. Acute angles are angles that are less then 90 degrees.
That depends on the question.
math is adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, angles and more
The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal so math up the opposite angles.
Interesting question. Math can be utilized in karate in many different ways. As far as literal math (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication, algebra etc.) there may not be as many examples, but math is seen in karate with the use of angles. When sparring, the use of angles is vital. How a fighter angles their body and strikes on their opponent can be the determining factor in victory or loss. So often in training you will hear comments affiliated with math like "your block is at a 45 degree angle". Math may not be obvious in karate, so its all about reading in between the lines.