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If you mean a Quad which touches the circumference at all 4 points, then... # All interior angles add to 360' #Opposite angles add to 180' #The Quad is then referred to as a 'Cyclic Quadrilateral'

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Q: What are the properties of a Quadrilateral within a circle?
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Does a quadrilateral's diagonal pass through the center of a circle if it circumscribes it?

No. You can have a very "thin" quadrilateral that is completely in the top half of the circumscribing circle. Then the centre of the circle will be below and OUSIDE the quadrilateral. The diagonals of the quadrialteral will be INSIDE the quadrilateral while they are within the circle and so cannot pass through the centre.

What are the properties of a cyclic quadrilateral?

A cyclic quadrilateral is one that has concyclic vertices (its corners all fit on the same circle) and, for a simple cyclic quadrilateral, opposite angles are supplementary.

When each side of a quadrilateral is tangent to a circle The quadrilateral is inscribed in the circle?

No, the circle is inscribed in the quadrilateral.

Can a circle always be drawn around a four-sided shape?

If you mean can a circle always be drawn round a quadrilateral so that the quadrilateral is enclosed within the circle then yes as long as the diameter of the circle is large enough. If you mean can a circle always be drawn around a quadrilateral so that it passes through all vertices then only if the opposite angles of the quadrilateral add up to 180o - such quadrilaterals are called cyclic quadrilaterals.

What is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle called?

It is an inscribed quadrilateral or cyclic quadrilateral.

Is it true opposite angles are supplementary?

No, only in certain, limited circumstances. Eg where a quadrilateral is (can be) circumscribed within a circle.

Is a cricle a quardrilateral?

A quadrilateral has four sides. A circle does not have four sides. Therefore, a circle is not a quadrilateral.

What are the opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle?

A quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle it means all the vertices of quadrilateral are touching the circle. therefore it is a cyclic quadrilateral and sum of the opposite angles in cyclic quadrilateral is supplementary. suppose if one angle is A then another will be 180 degree - angle A.

The opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle are?

The opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle have a sum of 180 degrees.

What are the properties of a quadrilateral triangle?

There is no such thing.

How do you circumscribe a circle into a quadrilateral?

you dont

What is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle?
