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They are both two dimensional. They only have right angles at line intersections. Opposing sides are parallel. Opposing sides are the same size.

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Q: What are three ways a rectangle and a square alike?
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What are three ways a rectangle and a square are alike?

They are both two dimensional. They only have right angles at line intersections. Opposing sides are parallel. Opposing sides are the same size.

How is the square and rectangle the same?

A square and a rectangle are identical in every way except one:The length and width of a square must be equal, whereas the lengthand width of a rectangle may be equal but are not required to be.

What three ways a rectangle and a square are alike?

They are both two dimensional. They only have right angles at line intersections. Opposing sides are parallel. Opposing sides are the same size.

What are two ways a square and a rectangle are alike?

they both have right angles , they're both quadrangles, they both have parallel lines, and they both have straight lines

What are three ways a rectangle and a square are the same?

four sides, four right angles, 2 pairs of parallel lines

What are two ways a rectangle and a square are alike?

Both have 2 pairs of opposite parallel sidesBoth have 4 interior right angles

What are other ways to classify a square?

rectangle and trapezoid

Is all square numbers can be arranged into a rectangle?

The Answer:Square numbers, when arranged in a square is aready a rectangle, but otherwise speaking, all square can, since all are divisible by 1 and itself, and if the square root of that perfect square is composite, it can be rearranged into a rectangle as well, in other ways.

How many ways to classify a square?

A square may be classified as a rectangle, a parallelogram, a rhombus, a polygon, and a quadrilateral.

Classify a square in as many ways as possible?

Quadrilateral rectangle rhombus squate

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They are both three dementinal

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