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Q: What are two lines that meet in right angle?
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What are two lines that meet at a right angle?

Two lines that meet at a right angle are called perpendicular.Two lines that meet at a right angle are also called normal.Two lines that meet at a right angle are also called orthogonal.

What is formed when two lines meet at a right angle?

A 90 degree angle is formed at a right angle.

What are two perpondicular lines?

it means that two lines meet and form a right angle.

How do you know what the vertex of an angle is?

An angle is formed when two lines meet (or cross). The vertex is the point where the lines meet.An angle is formed when two lines meet (or cross). The vertex is the point where the lines meet.An angle is formed when two lines meet (or cross). The vertex is the point where the lines meet.An angle is formed when two lines meet (or cross). The vertex is the point where the lines meet.

What do you call two intersecting lines that meet at right angle?


How are two lines are perpendicular if?

Two lines are perpendicular if they meet each other at 90 degrees which is a right angle.

Does a right triangle have perpendicular?

Two of the three lines in a right triangle are perpendicular. Perpendicular lines meet at a 90 degree angle (also called a right angle). All right angle triangles have one right angle.

Do intersecting lines meet at two points?

Lines intersect if the meet at one point. Perpendicular lines also meet at one point, but their intersection is a right angle. Intersecting lines in the plane do not meet at two points.

What it the right angle?

A right angle is an internal angle equal to 90o You can tell if an angle is a right angle because it has a little symbol which is a square where the two lines meet to form the angle. A right angle is a quarter of a circle. Lines that are at a right angle are perpendicular to each other.

Give 3 classification of technology?

"right angle" is two lines that intersect at 90 degrees "acute angle" is when 2 lines meet at less than 90 degrees "obtuse angle" is when lines meet at an angle more than 90 degrees , a straight angle is when 2 lines meet at exactly 180 degrees.

What is the angle formed between two parallel lines?

An angle is formed where two lines meet. Parallel lines do not meet. Therefore they do not form an angle. So there is no angle to have a name. So no name.

Do 2 perpendicular lines make a straight angle?

Two perpendicular lines will meet in a right angle (90 degrees) if they exist on a flat plane.