Rhombus and square.
* * * * *
No, they are not other names: they are names for two special kinds of parallelograms.
For example, if you have a dog called Rex, then Rex is not another name for dog - Rex is a name for your dog, and some others, but there are lots of dogs that are not Rex.
Quadrilateral and parallelogram
Quadrilateral and parallelogram
3 names for a parallelogram
Quadrilateral * * * * * Nonsense. Most quadrilaterals are not parallelograms.
Quadrilateral and parallelogram
a square and a rectangle and a rhombus and a parallelogram
There is no other name for a parallelogram. Special types of parallelograms have other names but these names do not apply to other parallelograms.
parallelogram and polygon * * * * * Wrong. A quadrilateral need not be a parallelogram. A kite is a quadrilateral but nobody with the slightest mathematical knowledge would call a kite a parallelogram!
A parallelogram is also a square, rhombus, and rectangle.
a parallelogram
-- quadrilateral -- parallelogram
I am not aware of any other names that take in all its characteristics. It is a parallelogram but that does not reuire its angles to be 90 degreesl etc.
Quadrilaterals, Parallelogram,
Quadrilateral and parallelogram