The land mass of the US has an area of 9,161,922 square kilometers.
1 arce of land can cost 40k up to 150k in the US not sure for pennsilvania
9,826,630 sq km according to the CIA World Fact Book
Arlington, Virginia
Iowa joined the Union on December 28, 1846.
The Mexican-American War of 1846 to 1848.
It added a Pacific Ocean area and responsibility that it was ill prepared to deal with.
Sitka, Alaska is the largest US city by land area with a land area of 2,870 sq. miles.
While Canada is substantially larger than the US in total area, it has slightly less land area. The US has about the same total area as China.
The aquisition of Alaska from Russia.
the us
64% land
increased westward expansion, more land for farming, more trade routes
Arizona. California. Nevada. Utah. New Mexico.