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If it's a cube it would be 3.914867 cm on each side.

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Q: What can the demensions of a cube be with 60 cm3?
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Convert grams per cm cube to grams per in cube?

Multiply the density (gm cm3) by the volume of the cube (cm3).

How many ml will it take to fill a 60 cubic cm cube?

60 mL There are 1000 mL in 1 L. There are 1000 cm3 in 1 L. Therefore, there are 60 mL in 60 cm3.

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If each side of the cube is 42.6 mm long, then the cube's volume is 77.31 cm3

A shape having the same demensions of lengthheightand weight?

"Weight", do you mean 'width'? If you do then a cube is the answer.

What is the volume of a cube with sides 2cm?

The cube has a volume of 8 cm3


125 cm3

What is the volume of a cube with a side length of 6cm?

The volume of the cube is 216 cm3

What is the volume of 9.0cm cube?

The volume of 9.0 cm cube is: 729 cm3

Is 1m cube is equal to how many cm cube?

Since 1 m = 100 cm, 1 m3 = 1003 cm3 = 1,000,000 cm3.

A 10cmx3 cube is cut in2 1cmx3 cubes are glued together to form the largest possible cube which looks solid from any point on the outside but is hollow inside What is the no of smaller cubes left over?

The equation for the number of 1 cm3 cubes to form a n3 cm3 hollow cube (n>1): 6n2-12n+8 (hint: cubes have 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices) I'm not sure whether you are asking about a 10 cm3 cube or a 103 cm3 cube. Since you can't divide a 10 cm3 cube into 1 cm3 pieces, I am going to assume you mean a 103 cm3 cube. This cube will yield 1000 1 cm3 cubes. For n=13, 6n2-12n+8 = 866 For n=14, 6n2-12n+8 = 1016 So, with 1000 little cubes, you can form a 13x13x13 cm hollow cube with 134 little cubes left out.

A cube has volume 343 cm³?

A 7-cm cube has a volume of 343 cm3