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the answer is homologous

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Q: What chromosomes are the same size and the same shape and carry genes for the same traites but are not the same?
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In what ways are homologous chromosomes similar?

They are similar in size shape , position of centromere and genes .Homologous chromosomes are similar in the pattern they are stained, their lengths, and most importantly they have genes of the for a certain characteristics in the same area.

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What are homologous chromosomes and what characteristics do 2 homologous chromosomes share?

Homologous chromosomes have the same shape, size and position of the centromere. They have the same genes in the same order.

How many chromosomes does one mitochondrion have and what shape are these chromosomes?

Human Mitochondrial DNA has a mere 16,569 base pairs or approximately 37 genes. It has a circular structure not a chromosome.

Are Chromosomes are contained with in blood cells?

No. Chromosomes are the simple form of DNA coiled into a rod shape containg genes and the plans for charastics. Blood cells are an entirly different cell

How homologous chromosomes resemble one another and how they differ?

Homologous chromosomes are similar in size and in shape and location of the centromere. They carry genes for the same traits. They are different because they carry different versions of some genes. h

Describe and distinguish between replicated chromosomes and homologous chromosomes?

Chromosomes usually occur in pairs in body cells. One chromosome in the pair comes from one parent and the other chromosome comes from the other parent. The two chromosomes are the same size and shape and carry the same genes in the same positions. They are called homologous chromosomes. When cells divide the chromosomes first have to copy themselves (ie replicate). Each homologous chromosome makes a replica of itself, and the original and replica are attached to each other at a region called the centromere.

Do genes contain chromosomes?

No - chromosomes contain genes. A chromosome is a long strand of DNA coiled up into the 'X' shape you see in textbooks/under a microscope. A gene is simply a section of DNA that codes for a protein. So a gene is simply a small piece of a chromosome. Sources: undergraduate studies in biology.

What 3 things homologous chromosomes have in common?

Homologous chromosome have gene of same character.

How do you describe the shape of the structure of DNA?

It takes the form of a double helix. Basically it looks like a twisted ladder.

When do homologues pair?

A homologous pair is a pair of chromosomes that exist in diploid cells. One of the pair you inherit from your father, the other from your mother. A human has 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes (these do not include sex chromosomes). They are the same length and shape. They also share the same genes. The sequences of the genes may be different, which is what results in genetic variation, but the genes are the same.

What are chromosomes with same size and shape?

The chromosomes with the same gene content, size, and shape in diploid organism is called homologous chromosomes. The set of chromosome each came from maternal and paternal chromosome.