faith comes to mind
The word comes from the Greek word "ATOMOS" meaning "Unsplittable" Atoms are basically elements, hence cannot be divided further
The word comes from the Latin hypotēnūsa, which comes from the Greek hupoteinousa, from the feminine present participle of hupoteinein, meaning 'to stretch or extend under' : hupo-, hypo- + teinein, 'to stretch'.
It comes from the Latin word decimus, meaning 'tenth'. Decimal places are ordered in powers of ten.
The name "trapezoid" is a US term to mean the quadrilaterals that have only one pair of parallel opposite sides.The root term "trapezium" (UK term for a trapezoid) is a Latin word, which comes from the Greek word trapezion (little table).The Greek word for trapezoid is trapézoeide(table-like).
Rods. That's what comes into my mind.
Culture dishes and exponential growth.
what word comes to mind when you hear the word math
Dark ages
wireless modem
a change
The word contamination comes to mind.