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A centurion

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Q: What do you call a roman commander of one hundred men?
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What do you call a roman commander of hundred men?

A centurion

What do you call a roman soldier in charge of hundred men?


What is a Roman commander of one hundered men called?

A Centurion -- Cent being the latin prefix for 100.Well, generally, a century was made up of only 80 men, so there was no commander of a hundred men.A Centurian

What is a roman commander of 100 men called?


Which 9 letter word means a roman commander of men?

A centurion

What cent word means a roman commander of 100 men?

a centurion

A roman soldier in charge of hundred men?


Cent word means a roman commander of 100 men?


A roman soldier with hundred men?

There isn't one really-a centurion had 83 men usually.

When was commander abel cook born?

There was no Commander Abel Cook. There was Captain James Cook. There was Abel Tasman. The two men lived about one hundred years apart.

What do you call a roman officer that is in command of 100 soldiers?

There was no Roman officer in command of 100 men. There is a misconception that a centurion commanded 100 men, but this is false. The Roman army had no unit consisting of 100. An officer called a centurion, commanded a century which was 80 men. According to some military historians, the title "centurion" did not originate from the root word for one hundred, centum, but from the root word centuria, which was the voting assembly. The army kept this term, in my opinion, for the sole purpose of confusing students 2000 years in the future.

What is a word that means a Roman commander of 100 men?

Centurion it used to be a hundred men but over time it fell to 80 men to a century,which by the late first century AD would have been made up like this: MEN TOTAL 6 centuries of 80 men 480 {one cohort} 10 cohorts made up a legion thus: 9 cohorts of 480 men 4,320 men The first cohort was double sized and made up of ten centuries of 800 men 800 + 4,320= 5,120 men