The rubber circles around the top of cup lids are buttons to mark what type of drink it is such as diet and other.
A heptagon is a polygon that has seven sides and can be regular or irregular in shape. Examples of heptagons include coins, pill boxes, cookie tin lids and architecture.
In the US, a stop sign. Some tables. Some pickle jars lids. Designer mirrors. Picture frames, planters, clocks, old schoolhouses, UFC fight enclosures
1. Automotive Weather Stripping around doors, windows, hood, and trunk lids to keep the environment out of your automobile. 2. Vibration Dampening in the transportation assembly world; i.e., rubber engine mounts, rubber shock absorber mounts, chassis mount bushings, etc. 3. TIRES - the #1 use of rubber in the WORLD!
Most stores carry rubber or plastic totes. These come in a range of sizes, and can be made out of plastic or rubber, and come with air tight lids.
a bottle opener
Sometimes you boil the lids and sometimes you don't. If you are canning with either a hot water bath or in a pressure cooker, you do not need to boil the lids. If you are canning something that is put into the jar hot and is not going to be processed in the the bath or pressure cooker, you boil the lid to soften the rubber in the lid that forms the seal.
Some lizards never sleep, such as some geckos, because they have no eye lids. Lizards with eye lids that come out in day sleep at night, and the other way around.
No, they do not have eye lids.
Yup and the lids card
The plural of "lid" is "lids."
LIDS has 1,000 stores as of September 1st 2011!!
Kids, ankle biters, rug rats. Rhyming slang = Billy lids
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