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An intersection

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Q: What do you call two lines crossing each other?
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What do you call straight lines crossing over each other?


How do you draw a perpendicular line segments?

two lines crossing each other

What do you call straight lines that intersect each other?

Perpendicular lines.

How are perpendicular lines and intersecting lines alike and different?

they both have lines crossing each other which make angles. perpendicular lines make right angles while intersecting lines make other kinds

How are perpendicular lines like intersecting lines?

perpendicular lines are similar to intersecting lines because that's what they are. Intersecting lines are two lines that cross each other. Perpendicular lines are the same, two lines crossing each other, just with a more specific rule to have right angles.

Is Plaid a color or a pattern?

Plaid is a pattern that has lines crossing each other going up and down, and across.

What are straight lines crossing over each other called?

Intersecting Lines. Two lines next to each other but go straight and never meet are called parallel lines. Perpendicular is when two lines cross right into the middle and makes 4 right angles (90 degrees). you!! :)

What do you call lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees?


When you cross two lines that are perpindicular to each other and intersect at 0 you get a?

Pair of lies crossing at right angles at the origin.

How do you call the pairs of perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines intercept each other at right angles which is 90 degrees

What do you call angles formed opposite each other when two lines intersect?


Are line segments parallel with each other?

it depends on how you place it, they can be. all a line segment is is a straight line, if you have two you can have parallel or crossing lines.