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Points on the same plane are coplanar lines.

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Q: What do you call two or more points that lie on the same plane?
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What do you call the points which are not on the same plane?


What are points that lie on the same plane?

Points that lie on the same plane are coplanar. Generally, three points have to be coplanar, but more than that can be in any plane.

Named by three or more points not on the same line?


What are the meaning of collinear and coplanar points?

They are lines or points that lie on the same plane. Remember 3 or more points are collinear if they lie on the same line. IF those lines lie on the same plane they are coplanar.

When do you say that 3 or more points are collinear?

3 or more points are colinear when they all fall on the same line on the same plane.

Points that line on the same plane?

Points or lines that lie on the same plane are coplanar.

In general how many planes are there which contain any number of given points?

There are no planes containing any number of given points. Two points not the same define a line. Three points not in a line define a plane. For four or more points to lie in the same plane, three can be arbitrary but not on the same line, but the fourth (and so on) points must lie in that same plane.

What are points and lines in a plane?

Points and lines on the same plane are coplanar.

What are points in the same plane called?

Points that are within the same plane are called co-planer.

What are points or lines that are not in the same plane?

If the question is .. " Points and lines in the same plane "? then the anwser is COPLANER

What are coplanear points?

Points on the same plane.

Are points on the same side of a line in the same half plane?

Yes. If points are on the same side of a line, they are in a half-plane.