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It means equal.

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Q: What does ISO mean from the word isometric?
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Words with the prefix iso?

isometric means having the same measurement. <3 me §

What is the definition of 'isometric'?

Alt. of Isometrical

What words begin with the root iso?

Isotherm, isotopes, isograph, isolation, isometry, isopod, isotype.

What Words that have iso as prefix?

isobar, isometric, isolation, isosceles, isotherm, isoclinical, isolate

What is the prefix for tonic metric that means equal or same as?

I did a bit of internet searching, I think it is iso, as in isotonic and isometric.

Does an isometric drawing use a vanishing point to create depth?

No. Isometrics are created using equal angles. Isometric drawings were made on "iso paper" but it is really just 45 degree lines on a page.

What is the meaning of the Greek word isometric?

There is an English word isometric. Isometric can be used such as in isometric exercises. In these exercises, they can be done at a desk or other similar furniture, where the person could, for example, pull his stomach in and out, or tighten his thigh muscles, without moving the rest of his body and therefore no one knowing that he was practicing isometric exercises.

Can you use the word isometric in a sentence?


What does iso mean nonstandard?

Iso means "the same".

What are construction lines used for in isometric drawing?

They are lines that are equal in distance. The word comes from Greek and means 'having equal measurement'. A line is also isometric if it connects isometric points.

What is it called when a Muscle contracts against a constant movable object?

an isometric contraction iso=same metric=length therefore the muscle maintains the same length as it contracts

What does ISO mean in the banking industry?

Independent Service Organisation(ISO)