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if a girl goes with her friends in a circle?

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Q: What does a circle show a sign of?
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Can you show a peace sign?

It is a circle with a line through the middle and then two lines coming out of each side on the bottom.

How many order of rotational symmetry does a circle have?

The order of rotational symmetry for a circle is infinite. This is because it can be rotated any amount from the middle and it will still look the same. You can use a special sign to show this: ∞

Is a triangle in a circle the devils sign?

no its a circle in a triangle, and yes it is

How do you sign circle in British sign language?

Simple! Just use your index finger to draw a circle in the air!

Which Venn diagram represents the statement if it is not red it is not a stop sign?

Not stop sign in the inside circle , not red in the small circle

Which Venn Diagram represents the statement ''if it is not red. it is not a stop sign''?

Not stop sign in the inside circle , not red in the small circle

What is the universal sign of stupidity?

A circle with a donkey in it. Alternate answer: A circle with an elephant in it.

What is the man sign and what is the woman sign?

Biologist indicate sex as follows.: Male sign is a circle with a small arrow pointing up to the right (sort of a shield and spear). Female sign is a circle with a small cross-shaped t hanging down (sort of like the old bobbins women used to spin thread). Check out an astronomy book, the symbol for Mars and for Venus show the difference.

What was the zodiac sign of Isis?

A circle on a circle with an arrow on the top, signaling up.

What is the pie sign use for?

The sign pie is used for finding the area in a circle.

How do you divide a circle into eight equal parts drawing a plus and times sign?

Draw circle.Draw "plus sign" + on top of circleDraw "times sign" x on top of circlepresto eight cake slices of circle.Simply place the plus sign in the circle so the plus sign touches the edges, then overlap the times sign on the plus sign. It should give you eight lines in the circle, which are eight slices.

What is a circle with a x in it?

railroad crossing sign