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Q: What does a digon look like?
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How many sides does a digon have?

A digon has two sides. It is a polygon in the mathematics of geometry. A digon also has two vertices.

Is a digon a polygon?


What is a 2 sided shape called?

A 2 sided shape is called a digon

What is the minimum number of sides of a polygon?

Two straight lines cannot enclose a space - therefore three lines is the minimum requirement for a polygon. I would like to note that a digon is a polygon and it has 2 sides. Therefore, the minimum is 2. However, some people call a digon an improper polygon since it contradicts the definition of polygon. A digon can only be made on a sphere, so the answer is never truly correct.

What do you call a 2 sided polygon?

a digon ']* * * * *There cannot be such a shape.

Is there such thing as a 2 sided polygon?

Yes. A digon can have 2 sides, but only in a spherical geometry. In normal Euclidean geometry both the monogon and the digon have just 1 side.

What is a two sided polygon?

That one where it said dicot, i made a mistake. It is a digon

What is 1 sided shape called?

It's called a monogon. 2 sided shape is digon like semi=circle. Alright this is getting chaos.

What is the Davis family motto?

The Davies family moto is Hep Dhuw Hep ddym a digon ( Without God without anything, God is enough).

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What is a 1 and 2 sided shape called?

A one-sided shape is called a "monogon," which is a theoretical concept representing a shape with one side and one vertex. A two-sided shape is called a "digon," which is also a theoretical concept representing a shape with two sides and two vertices. In geometry, these shapes are considered degenerate cases and do not exist in the physical world.

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