A picture of a pentagon looks like a house--that is a five sided figure with four vertices. Other objects that you may be familiar with that are pentagons are: a baseball home plate, the Pentagon building in DC, or a soccer ball patch.
Well, sugar, if the radius of a baseball is 1.5 inches and home plate is 16 inches wide, we can calculate the circumference of the baseball (3.14 x diameter) and then divide the width of home plate by that distance to find out how many rotations it would take. So, it would take approximately 3 rotations for that sassy baseball to roll across home plate.
There are three 90 degree angles. (Looking at home plate from a "pitcher's viewpoint), the wide "front" of home plate has 90 degree angles on both sides. The back point, e.g. "the heart of the plate," is also a 90 degree angle. The two angles closest to the batter's back foot are both 135 degrees. This is because these angles are the sum of a 90 degree angle and a 45 degree angle. The back "triangle" of home plate is a 45-45-90 triangle. Hope this helps.
what does a parallegram look like? what does a parallegram look like? what does a parallegram look like?
home plate
A home plate on a baseball field
what is the most recent lisense plate in rhode island look like?
michigan plate and sticker
it is brown
A pentagon.
Yes it does
it depends on which state you live in.
Some examples of objects that may look like pentagons include home plate in baseball, the shape of a house roof, and a slice of pizza when presented with a crust that forms a five-sided shape.
The baseball term diamond is in reference to the object you would see if you drew a line from home plate to first base, first base to second base, second base to third base, and third base to home plate. Each of these lines would be the same length (90 feet), therefore, the object would look like a square if you were sitting down the left field or right field lines. But if you were sitting in center field or behind home plate, the object would look like a diamond. A diamond is really a square turned on it's side.
The only pentagon shape in softball is home plate. It is five sided, a square base with a euclidean triangle on top. It is basically a white slab of rubber.
he has hit a home run from the plate and also thrown people out at home plate.