Jagged means erose and pointed.
Jagged mountains peaks become more rounded by the process of weathering. This occurs as wind and rain slowly eat away at the mountain, removing tiny bits of the rocks at a time until the mountains look more rounded than jagged.
erosion by water
A line segment is a line that has 2 endpoints and all the points in between
timber line: line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudes
In a timeline what does a jagged line mean
Because it is just a place in time that nothing relative happens
Skipping to a more important time. ex/ 10 AD-20AD-30AD~150AD-160AD-170AD
Skipping to a more important time. ex/ 10 AD-20AD-30AD~150AD-160AD-170AD
No. A jagged line implies several kinks.
The jagged line is th symbol for water. So it probably means check the fluid level. This may mean coolant or washer fluid. You need an owner's manual.
I think that is a way of showing that a section of the time line with no related events has been removed from that place on the line. A more common way of showing that is with a pair of slashes spanning a break in the line (------//------).
Jagged means erose and pointed.
A jagged line on a graph's axis, or the scale, is called a break and represents a 'skip' in the scaling to higher values.
Time zone borders are jagged because they follow political borders.
Tire pressure warning