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there are 360 degrees in a circle.

Imagine putting a point in the middle of the circle and drawing a line to the edge of the circle (the radius). Then swing than line all the way round the circle and it will rotate through 360degrees.

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Q: What does angles in a full circle add up to?
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Do angles in a circle add to 180?

No because they add up to 360 degrees

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In order for a polygon to tessellate, the angles must add up to 360 degrees, to come full circle. Triangles have 60 degree angles, so 6 of them circle together. Squares have 90 degree angles, so 4 of them tessellate to a point. Hexagons can even tessellate, because the 120 degree angles add up to 360. But pentagons have 108 degree angles. Three of them add up to 324, only leaving 36 degrees left to close the circle.

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The angles of a point add up to 360 degrees, because they make up a full turn and there are 360 degrees in a full turn.

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The angles around the circumference of a circle add up to 360 degrees.

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The angles of a semi-circle are on a straight line and angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees.

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Yes the exterior angles of any polygon always add up to 360 degrees and there are 360 degrees around the circumference of a circle

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Angles around a point add up to 360 degrees.

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Because angles around any point add up to 360 degrees and the point is the circle's centre.

If two chords intersect inside a circle the angles formed are called inscribed angles?

Yes and the angles around the point of intersection add up to 360 degrees.

How are the circumference of a circle and the perimeter of a polygon alike?

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How many angles can you find in the word JOY?

Angles around the circle O add up to 360 degrees Angles in Y are 2 of them are obtuse angles and 1 is an acute angle and the 3 of them add up to 360 degrees Angle in J could be a right angle