It is a characteristic that can be used for classification but has no numerical value.
For example, the colours of the cars in your street, or the favourite fruit of people in your class are qualitative variables.
There is no such word in maths (or math, if you prefer). There are vertices and verticals. They mean different things so find out which one you want and re-submit your question.
what are thales inventions in maths
I hope this helps
An arc is part of the circumference of a circle.
To turn.
A expression in maths is a collection of terms without an equality sign.
1000 cc
For answer see
it is across, like the horizon.
Terminated means stopped or ended.
It is numerical information about some characteristic. By contrast, qualitative data might be something like the colour of your eyes, or the name of your maths teacher.
Mean means Average of a particular distribution Mean means Average of a particular distribution
well in literacy terms it means the way its set out like in a book or something not sure if there is a maths terms one though im not good at maths and I aint kidding
Odorless and colorless are qualitative terms. Qualitative terms deal with qualities. A quantitative term would be a term that expresses quantity or amount.
Interpret means to explain something like to explain remainders