1 20 190 1140 4845 15504 38760 77520 125970 167960 184756 167960 125970 77520 38760 15504 4845 1140 190 20 1
It looks like a 3-D triangle.
If a sail is pulled back, it could look like a scalene triangle.
It is an isosceles triangle and would look like a cone shape on graph paper
it will turn on a pivot point of the triangle.
Look at the entry of What_is_the_Pascal%27s_Triangle
Pascal's triangle is a triangular array where each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. The numbers in the triangle have many interesting patterns and relationships, such as the Fibonacci sequence appearing diagonally. Additionally, the coefficients of the binomial expansion can be found in Pascal's triangle, making it a useful tool in combinatorics and probability.
If a triangle is congruent to another triangle, they are exactly the same. therefore, a congruent triangle can look like anything.
it looks like a triangle
a triangle ;)
A Cone
An isocolese triangle is look like two sides are same long.
It looks like a 3-D triangle.
a cone
it is based on what is triangle look like
it can be a triangle that is right, acute, or obtuse
There is actually no limit to the number of numbers in Pascal's Triangle. The triangle is simply a way to remember the coefficients of the product of two binomials (or the expansion of a binomial raised to a power). See the link below. The triangle starts like this: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 It goes on forever. Simply begin and end each row with a one and find the numbers in the middle by adding the two above it. Edit: I don't know how to make the above triangle look correct here. The program wants to remove all of the spaces, making the triangle look like a right triangle. Just ignore that. It should look like a pyramid, with the top 1 in the center.