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Nothing. They don't stand for anything. The are just the axis on a grid. The x-axis is the horizontle line (from left to right.) and the y-axis is the vertical line (up and down).

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Q: What does the X and Y axis stand for?
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What do the letter x and y stand for?

X and Y do not stand for anything. They are merely letters that represent a variable in an algebraic equation. X is generally used as the first variable, and Y is used as the second variable, to differentiate the difference between two variables so one letter does not need to be used for two variables. In GRAPHS, they stand for the axis line. X is the horizontal axis, and Y is the vertical axis.

Where is y and x axis?

The y- axis in the vertical axis and the x-axis in the horizantal axis

Which comes first x axis or the y axis?

The x-axis comes first. because x comes before y.

Is a vertical like on the Y axis or the X axis?

The vertical axis is the y-axis. The horizontal axis is the x-axis.

What are x-axis and y-axis?

In the coordinate plane, the x-axis is horizontal, and the y-axis is vertical.

Where is the X axis and the Y axis in a coordinate plane?

The x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical.

On a graph which axis is horizontal and which axis is vertical?

The convention for an x-y graph is as follows: y | | |_____ x where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical.

What does the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.

What do the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.

The point were x axis and the y axis intersect on a grid?

The origin is where x axis and y axis intersect.

Y axis and x axis plane?

x axis is on horizontal plane and y axis is on vertical plane.

Does a y-axis come before a x-axis in a graph?

NO, first comes x-axis and then y-axis. You can think of it as having X-axis as a base on which you are standing and y-axis as a wall/ side, the main thing is base/x-axis because you are not standing on the walls, or you can just remember it by thinking that in the alphabet x comes before y! The y-axis is perpendicular to the x-axis.