Yes mam
The prefix is dodeca- which, in Greek, refers to 12.
Dodecagram dodecagon
A dodecahedron has 20 sides, which are all pentagons. "Dodeca" means "do" (2) times "deca" (10).
nonagenarian, nonagon, nonahedron, nonane, nonomino, nonupletNonagon
Yes mam
The Greek Prefix for 12 is dodeca. For Example O12 would be dodecoxide.
A "dodeca" is a prefix: it is not a shape. An octahedron has eight faces.
The prefix is dodeca- which, in Greek, refers to 12.
dodecagon dodecahedron
I believe it is "unodeca-" or unadeca-" . 12 is "dodeca-" and 13 is triskadeca-
Dodeca, meaning twelve... in the word octagon 'octa' (eight) is the prefix, polygon 'poly' (many) and so on. These prefixes come from ancient Greek.
The prefix is dodeca- ( not dode- ). It means "twelve." Dodecahedron, dodecaphonic
Twelve. Or when describing an object, the prefix "dodeca- " can be used. Examples are dodecahedron, a polygon with 12 sides, or dodecapod - an imaginary animal with 12 legs :-)
12. (deca = 10, octo = 8, hexa = 6 etc)
12. Decca means twelve. A 'Decagon, means a twelve sided shape. Alternatively, if you mean decaNewtons then there are definitely 10 not 12; as the prefix for twelve is dodeca-.