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it refers to a person who is a hooker

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14y ago

a hooker or drug dealer

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Q: What does work the corners mean?
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How many corners does a Decagonal pyramid have?

By "corners", do you mean vertices or edges?

Which corners doe it mean by the adjacent corners of a square?

Adjacent corners of a square share one side. Opposite corners share no sides.

How many corners do two cubes and one cylinder have?

if you mean "vertices" by "corners" then sixteen

What does 4 corners of a square mean?

They have no significance.

How many corners does a 4 sided pyramid have?

If you mean the base has 4 sides then the pyramid is a square based pyramid and has 5 corners. If you mean the pyramid has 4 faces then the pyramid is a tetrahedron with a triangular base and has 4 corners.

What does corner to corner mean?

Adjacent corners of a square share one side. Opposite corners share no sides.

What does corners mean?

Edges where flat spaces meet.

Why are Roadways curved around corners?

do you mean banked ?

What is on a map legend?

The legend on a map is the box in one of the corners that tells you what all the symbols mean

What does cut corners mean?

To do something in way that is the cheapest and easiest.

If you have 6 sides you have 6 corners what am i?

I do not know what you are. All that I know is that I have 6 sides and 6 corners!if you mean if you have 6 sides and you have 6 corners what are YOU?YOU ARE A HEXAGONAL SHAPE!such as; hexagonhexagonal pyramidhexagonal prismhexahedronhexagonal polygon.HOPE I HELPED!

How many vertices does a diamond have?

Verticies are corners Assuming you mean a diamond as in a quadrilateral polygon then there are four corners If you mean a diamond as i a precious stone, the answer would depend on how the diamond had been cut.