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Nothing. If a side ,an angle, and a side are the same the triangles are congruent.

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Q: What else must you know to prove the triangles congruent by SAS?
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How do you find a triangle congruent by cpctc?

A triangle if not found congruent by CPCTC as CPCTC only applies to triangles proven to be congruent. If triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF because they have the same side lengths (SSS) then we know Angle ABC (angle B) is congruent to Angle DEF (Angle E)

How do you prove triangles similar?

To prove that two or more triangles are similar, you must know either SSS, SAS, AAA or ASA. That is, Side-Side-Side, Side-Angle-Side, Angle-Angle-Angle or Angle-Side-Angle. If the sides are proportionate and the angles are equal in any of these four patterns, then the triangles are similar.

What is CPCTC?

CPCTC stands for Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.Here are some examples that I hope can help you throughExample 1:Let's say that Triangle ABC has these measures:Let's also say that Triangle DEF has the measures:Then you know that angle C is congruent to angle F through CPCTC.Example 2:Let's say that Triangle ABC has these measures:Let's also say that Triangle DEF has the measures:Then you know that side CA is congruent to side FD through CPCTC.Example 3:Let's say that Triangle ABC has these measures:Let's also say that Triangle DEF has these measures:Then you know that side AC is congruent to DF through CPCTC.You also know that angle C is congruent to angle F through CPCTC.You also know that angle A is congruent to angle D through CPCTC.

How do you know if two figures are congruent or not?

They are congruent if they are identical in shape and size.

How do you know if a two triangles are congruent?

There are 4 tests that can be used, depending upon what you have:1) SSS (Side-Side-Side) - all three corresponding sides of the triangles are equal.2) AAS (Angle-Angle-Side) - two corresponding angles and one corresponding side are equal3) SAS (Side-Angle-Side) - two corresponding sides and the *ENCLOSED* angle are the same4) RHS (Right angle-Hypotenuse-Side) - The triangles are Right-angled with Hypotenuse and corresponding side equalIn test 2, if two angles are given then the third angle can be calculated, thus the order does not matter and ASA(Angle-Side-Angle) is equivalent and also proves congruency.Note the importance in test 3 that the angle is enclosed between the corresponding sides. If it is not enclosed, the triangles may be congruent, but they may also NOT be congruent. In this case the test you are using is Angle-Side-Side (ASS - which is what you would be to say that the triangles are congruent).Note that RHS is a special case of ASS (the only one which guarantees congruency) in that the angle MUST be a right angle (90°); this means that the third side of both triangles can be calculated using Pythagoras and RHS is effectively SSS.

Related questions

It appears from the name of the HL Theorem that you actually need to know that only two parts of two triangles are congruent in order to prove two triangles congruent Is this the case?

No. You can know all three angles of both and all you can say is that the triangles are similar. Or with any pair of congruent sides you can have an acute angle between them or an obtuse angle.

Explain four ways to prove that two triangle are congruent?

one way is to use the corresponding parts. if they are congruent then the two triangles are congruent. i don't know any other ways without seeing the triangles or any given info. sorry i couldn't help more.

Can the Third angle theorem prove that the ASS triangle is congruent?

No, because the third-angle theorem requires that you know two angles of each of the triangles. Assuming ASS, you only know one angle. In fact, two triangles may have the same ASS and not be congruent. See if you can make two non-congruent triangles with Angle 60 deg, Side 10, and Side 9.

What does CPCTC mean in math terms?

CPCTC is an acronym for the phrase 'corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent' It means that once we know that two triangles are congruent, we know that all corresponding sides and angles are congruent.

When working with congruent triangles why is it only necessary to be given two pairs of congruent angles to know that all three pairs of angles will be congruent?

Because ALL triangles total 180o...

What information do you need to know in order to prove the triangles are congruent?

That the sides are equal in length and the interior angles are the same sizes

If you know two corresponding angle pairs and any one corresponding segment pair are congruent why is that always enough to know the triangles are congruent?


Which theorem is used to prove the AAS triangle congruence postulate theorem?

The first thing you prove about congruent triangles are triangles that have same side lines (SSS) is congruent. (some people DEFINE congruent that way). You just need to show AAS is equivalent or implies SSS and you are done. That's the first theorem I thought of, don't know if it works though, not a geometry major.

Are the triangle congruent?

"Are" does not make sense. well you know what he/she means- is the triangle congruent? * * * * * "Are", "Is" makes no difference. There is no information about the triangles and therefore no way to determine whether or not they ARE congruent.

Are triangles congruent if so how do you know?

ASA stands for "angle, side, angle" and means that we have two triangles where we know two angles and the included side are equal. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, the triangles are congruent.

Does a parellelogram have four congruent triangles?

Yes. Read on for why: Take a parallelogram ABCD with midpoints E and F in the bases. So something like this (forgive the "drawing"): A E B __.__ /__.__/ C F D We know that parallelogram AEFC = EBDF, since they have the same base (F bisects CD, so CF = FD), height (haven't touched that), and angles (<ACF = <EFD because they're parallel - trust me that everything else matches). We also know that every parallelogram can be divided into two congruent triangles along their diagonal. So if two congruent parallelograms consistent of two congruent triangles each, then all four triangles are congruent. So your congruent triangles are ACF, AEF, EFD, and EBD. You can further reinforce this through ASA triangle congruency proofs (as I did at first), but this is a far more concise and equally valid answer.

What is SAS Congruence Theorem?

The side-angle-side congruence theorem states that if you know that the lengths of two sides of two triangles are congruent and also that the angle between those sides has the same measure in both triangles, then the two triangles are congruent.