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Q: What exactly the same shape and exactly the same size?
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What do you call polygons with the same shape but not exactly the same size?

The are similar

Figures that are exactly the same size and shape?

are congruent.

You are a shape with 8 corners and all faces exactly the same size and shape what am I?

A cube

How are two blank pages of the exact shape and size different?

At an atomic level they cannot be exactly the same shape or size.

How can you describe figures that have the same shape and are the same size?

equal, the same as, mathmatically similar, exactly the same as each other etc. The technical term for figures of identical size and shape is "isomorphic".

When two shapes have exactly the same size shape and angels the are said to be what?


What figures thar are exactly the same size and shape?

They are said to be congruent to each other

What is the difference between similar and congruent?

Congruent means two figures have exactly the same shape and size. If the shape is identical, but not the size , two figures are similar.

What is confident figure?

The figures which are having exactly same size and shape are termed as convenient figures

How are congruent and similar shapes different?

Similar shapes are the same shape and not the same size but congruent shapes are exactly alike

What is the same shape and same size?

The word "congruent" means the same shape and same size.

What is it called when something is the same shape but not necessarily the same size?

it is similar, easy as that. congruent is same shape same size ans similar is same shape different size similar=two figures that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size