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A rectangle.

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Q: What figure has four right angles and all sides are not the same in length?
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What is a figure with 4 right angles and 2 sides of the same length?

It is a rectangle. Just picture it. 4 right angles and 2 sides that are the same length.

What is a polygon that is a quadrangle withall the sides same length and none of the sides are right angles?

Sides cannot be right angles whatever the figure because sides are sides and not angles, the answer you are looking for is a rhombus.

Four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides the same length and four right angles?

A four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides the same length and four right angles is called a square.

What closed figure had 4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles?


I am a quadrilateral that has 4 right angles. My opposite sides are parallel and of equal length. What figure am I?

A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and opposite sides that are parallel can be either a rectangle if the adjacent sides are of different length or a square if the adjacent sides are of the same length.

I am a two dimensional figure you have two pairs of parallel sides none of your angles are right angles and all of your sides are the same length what are you?


What is a two dimensional figure with two pairs of parallel sides and none of your angles is a right angle and all of your sides are the same length?

rhombus (although the angles can technically be right angles as well)

What figure has 2 sets of parallel sides and 4 right angles and have the same length?


What is a two dimensional figure with no right angles but has two pairs parellel sides and all the sides are the same length?


What plane figure has 4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles?

A perfect square Four 90 degree angles and four equal sides

What is a figure that has 2 sets of parallel sides and 4 right angles all the sides are the same length what are the 3 names for the figure?

A square, rectangle, or quadrilateral

What is a figure with opposites sides parallel and all sides of equal length?

A rhombus. A square is one special rhombus with right angles.