The lowest-term fraction can be obtained by finding the denominator and numerator by GCF. The lowest fraction can not be further reduced.
No. An improper fraction is a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator
It is degrees that are fraction
2.82842712474619 or roughly 283/100 as a fraction
what types of surface produce less fraction
A ratio is the same as a fraction.
The same fraction.
0.75 is equivalent to 3/4 as a fraction or written as three quarters .
An equivilant fraction is a fraction that equals the same as another fraction when simplified.
The fraction that you get when you multiply the numerator and denominator of the original fraction both by the same number.
An equivalent fraction is 62682/ 1250. The answer is the same.
Multiply the fraction by the same number.
62.5 is the same as 62½ as a fraction.
It is an equivalent fraction.
The 'flip' (the reciprocal) of the same fraction.
in fraction it is 1/4
75/100 is an equivalent fraction.