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Q: What fraction of a circle is a 180 degrees angle?
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What fraction of a circle is 180 degrees?

A half.

The angle inscribed in a semi circle is of?

A semi-circle covers an angle of 180 degrees.

What is 180 degrees in a fraction?

1/2A circle has 360 degrees.180/360 = 1/2 in fraction

What is 180 degrees as a fraction?

180 degrees as a fraction of a turn of a circle is 1/2

How do we measure an angle?

A protractor can be used to measure an angle. An angle is basically part of a circle. A complete circle is 360 degrees. A right-angle is 90 degrees, half a circle is 180 degrees, and so on.

A angle has measure of 180?

An angle with a measure of 180 degrees will look like a straight line with the vertex being a point in the center. Since a complete circle is 360 degrees, opening an angle to 180 degrees traces out exactly half a circle.

Why is it impossible for a triangle to a contain a 180 angle?

The sum of all three angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. If one angle has 180 degrees then there are no degrees left for the other two. If it is a fraction less than 180 degrees then the other could split up the small fraction.

What is the angle of rotation of circle and semicircle?

360 degrees and 180 degrees respectively

How many degrees are in a angle that turns through 12 of a circle?

180 degrees

Is a revolution angle 360 or 180 degrees?

180 degrees is halfway through the circle. 360 degrees is one time around the circle. So 360° is the answer.

What is the measure of an angle that encloses half of a circle?

180 degrees.

What is name angle name of half a revolution?

Half of a revolution of a circle is 180 degrees and its angles added together are supplementary.