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Q: What happens to a solids shape when you move it?
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Why are liquids and solids different?

A liquid will fit in any shape of a (larger) container, a solid does not, because of its own 'solid' shape.

Does a solid have a volume or shape?

Because the particles can't move the object can't move which give it the shape and volume

Why solid have a fixed shape?

solids always have a fixed shape because the particles in a solid are stuck together which means there is no where for the particle to move.

Do solids have definite shape?

Yes, solids have a definite shape

Why do liquids and gases take the shape of their containers while solids do not?

The molecules of liquids and gasses are not tightly arranged or packed. It is due to this arrangement they can move freely. Thus, take the shape of the container. Whereas in solids the molecules are tightly arranged they don't have place to move. Thus ,they don't take the shape of the container.

Do solids take up the shape of a container?

No. Solids are resistant to changes in both shape and volume.

Do solids liquids and gases have a definite volume?

Solids have a set volume. Liquids have a set volume. Gases do not have a set volume. Why? Solids are solids. They don't move. They're in a 'frozen state' as is. Liquids 'mold' to the shape of their container and they stay there. Gases are free to go anywhere. Always moving and 'flying.'

How do solids change shape?

Solids change their shapes in many ways. Solids will melt if they are in hot temperatures, and this changes their shape.

What are the general characteristics of solids?

The general characteristics of solids are that since the atoms and molecules inside of them don't move around a lot they hold their own shape. It has a definite shape and a definite volume.the general characteristics of a solid is a tangible substance

Why liquid diffuse faster than solids?

Because molecules in a liquid are not bound the way they are in solids and they can move freely so diffusion happens faster too.

Compare and contrast the properties of liquids and solids?

Solids are hard but liquids have no feeling. Solids have a shape but liquids do not.

Do solids have no fixed volume or shape?

Solids have a fixed volume or shape at room temperature or pressure.