No it is impossible a triangle can have: 3 acute angles 1 right and 2 acute angles 1 obtuse and 2 acute angles
yes..... if you draw a trapezoid, most of them will have 2 acute angles at the bottom and two obtuse at the top.
It is an obtuse triangle having 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles Or it is an isosceles triangle having 1 obtuse angle and 2 equal acute angles
No but they can have 2 obtuse and 2 acute angles
no, it has 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles
It can have 0 or 2 right angles, 1 or 2 acute or obtuse angles.
a trapezoid :) * * * * * Not necessarily. A trapezoid can have two right angles, one acute and one obtuse angle. A parallelogram which is not a rectangle must have 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles.
A trapezium has 2 obtuse and 2 acute angles.
An obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles
A rhombus has 2 opposite acute angles and 2 opposite obtuse angles
No it is impossible a triangle can have: 3 acute angles 1 right and 2 acute angles 1 obtuse and 2 acute angles
yes..... if you draw a trapezoid, most of them will have 2 acute angles at the bottom and two obtuse at the top.
It has 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles and the 4 angles add up to 360 degrees
They will be acute angles.