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Q: What has one endpoint but continues indefinitely in one direction?
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What is the part of a line with one end point and all the points in one direction?

A ray has one endpoint and continues indefinitely in one direction.

A ray is infinite in one direction.?


Has on endpoint and continues infinitely in one direction?

A ray has one endpoint and continues in the other direction infinitely.

Which of the these has an endpoint and continues indefinitely in one direction?

The question refers to the "these". In such circumstances would it be too much to expect that you make sure that there issomething that these refers to?

What has one endpoint and continues without end in one direction?

A ray

What is the part of a line that has an end point and runs in one direction?

Ray - A ray is part of a line that has one endpoint. It continues in one direction without ending.

What is a part of a line and it has one endpoint and continues without end in one direction?

A ray.

What is part of a line It has one endpoint and continues without end in one direction?

A ray.

What is part of a line has one endpoint and continues without end in one direction?

a ray

Is the term 'ray' is defined?

In mathematics, a ray is defined as a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends indefinitely in one direction. It is represented by a single point and an arrow indicating the direction of the line.

What is a ray in geometri?

A ray in geometry is a line with a single endpoint and extends indefinitely in one specified direction.

What direction has one endpoint and goes on forever?

Honestly a ray does because a ray has one endpoint and it does go in one direction like forever