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A Parallelogram has 2 pairs of opposing sides that are parallel.

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Q: What has two pairs of opposite sides parallel?
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2There are two parallel sides....A rhombus has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.There are two parallel sides....A rhombus has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

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A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.

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Yes it does. All the four sides have an opposite. The opposites are parallel so in a parallelogram there are two pairs of parallel sides.

How many pairs of opposite parallel sides does a parallelogram have?

A parallelogram has two pairs of opposite parallel sides (for a total of four sides).

How many pairs parallel sides are in a parallelogram?

Two pairs of opposite sides are parallel in a parallelogram

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A parallelogram has two pairs of opposite parallel sides

What is a quadrilateral with only two pair of opposite sides parallel?

I would be seriously concerned if a quadrilateral had more than two pairs of opposite sides parallel! A quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite sides parallel is a parallelogram.

Are two pairs of sides parallel in a parallelogram?

Yes, opposite sides are parallel

Are all rectangles parallelogram?

Yes. Parallelograms have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Rectangles also have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel, which makes them parallelograms.

Are all parallelogram rectangle's?

Yes. Parallelograms have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Rectangles also have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel, which makes them parallelograms.

Are all rectangles parallelogram's?

Yes. Parallelograms have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Rectangles also have two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel, which makes them parallelograms.

A quaderallateral with two pairs of opposite sides parallel?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairsof parallel sides.