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Rachel Erdman

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Q: What instrument could tell you that conditions are right for flying a kite?
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Which instrument could tell you that condition are right for flying kites?

An anemometer could tell you whether conditions are right for flying kites

which instrument could tell you that conditions are right for flying a kite?

The Windmills, large gusts of wind, and the forcast saying that it is going to be windy

What weather instrument could tell you that conditions are right for flying a kite?

A wind vane would be a useful instrument to determine wind direction and speed, which are important factors for flying a kite. Additionally, a anemometer can also be used to measure wind speed.

Why is that when aeroplane is flying in the sky you cannot see another plane?

You can, if in reasonable distance, with the right weather conditions.

What are three conditions for goldilocks conditions?

The "Goldilocks conditions" refer to conditions that are just right for a particular outcome. Three conditions for goldilocks conditions could include: 1) not too hot, 2) not too cold, and 3) optimal environment for growth or development.

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Not right away. Depending on environmental conditions, it could live for a day or two.

What are a few flying animals that are endangered?

One flying animal i know right off the top of my head is the flying squirrel.

Is a drum kit a percussion instrument?

quite simply, yes. Anything that involves the striking of a resonante matirial is a percussion instrument. But it could also be argued that the indavidual items on a kit are perrcussian instruments in their own right.

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Methane can explode if conditions are right because,

Could the Roxette song you Wish you Could Fly be a good theme song for Ray the Flying Squirrel?

Well this is more of an opinion based questioned there is no right or wrong but I'd tilt for moreyes'.

If you got a fresh olive seed picked from the tree from Italy could you grow it in Zambia?

Yes, I believe conditions are right for that.

How tall could a bean plant get?

Bean plants have climbing vines. In the right conditions they will climb over 6 feet.