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A collection of 6 quadrilaterals.

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Q: What is 2 trapezoid and 4 rectangles?
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What is a quadrilateral with 2 right angles?

A trapezoid can have 2 right angles. Parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, and squares can have 4.

Are All rectangles are a trapezoid?

No because a rectangle and a trapezoid have different geometrical properties but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

what is the lateral faces of a rectangular prism?

They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).

Why is every trapezoid a quadrilateral?

No, because a trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has the base and top parallel but the other two sides and at different angles. Other quadrilaterals can be squared rectangles polygons or rhombuses

Why does a trapezoid have parallel lines?

Well, a trapezoid is a quadrilateral. All regular quadrilaterals have 2 pairs of parallel sides. Ex, squares rectangles and trapezoids

What are some names of rectangles that are not squares?


What DON'T rectangles and trapezoids have in common?

Trapezoids have only two sides parallel; rectangles have all four opposing sides parallel. Also, rectangles have 4 right angles, which is more than a trapezoid can have.

What shape has 2 obtuse angles?

An Trapezoid, has 2 acute and 2 obtuse but it depends what trapezoid u draw it. there is a irregular Pentagon, hexagon, octagon etc.... hope u liked my answer Thank You

How are rectangles and trapezoids different?

A rectangle must have two (2) pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid only needs one (1). A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles, a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of opposite parallel sides.

What kind of polygon has 2 pairs of equal sides but is not a parallelogram?

A kite or a trapezoid.(Rectangles, rhombuses, and squares AREparallelograms.)

How many squares and rectangles are there in a 4 by 4 grid?

In a 4 by 4 grid, there are 16 squares (1x1 squares), 9 rectangles that are 2x1, 6 rectangles that are 3x1, 4 rectangles that are 2x2, and 1 rectangle that is 4x4. Therefore, in total, there are 16 squares and 20 rectangles in a 4 by 4 grid.

How are rectangles and trapezoids diffrent?

a trapezoid has one set of par