

What is 2 trapezoid and 4 rectangles?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A collection of 6 quadrilaterals.

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Q: What is 2 trapezoid and 4 rectangles?
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Related questions

What is a quadrilateral with 2 right angles?

A trapezoid can have 2 right angles. Parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, and squares can have 4.

Are All rectangles are a trapezoid?

No because a rectangle and a trapezoid have different geometrical properties but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

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They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).They are all rectangles (or 2 squares and 4 rectangles).

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Why is every trapezoid a quadrilateral?

No, because a trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has the base and top parallel but the other two sides and at different angles. Other quadrilaterals can be squared rectangles polygons or rhombuses

Why does a trapezoid have parallel lines?

Well, a trapezoid is a quadrilateral. All regular quadrilaterals have 2 pairs of parallel sides. Ex, squares rectangles and trapezoids

What DON'T rectangles and trapezoids have in common?

Trapezoids have only two sides parallel; rectangles have all four opposing sides parallel. Also, rectangles have 4 right angles, which is more than a trapezoid can have.

Are some trapezoids rectangles?

True. All rectangles are trapezoids. (In England a trapezoid is known as a trapezium.)

What shape do you get when you cut a hexagon in half?

you get a trapezoid

What shape has 2 obtuse angles?

An Trapezoid, has 2 acute and 2 obtuse but it depends what trapezoid u draw it. there is a irregular Pentagon, hexagon, octagon etc.... hope u liked my answer Thank You

How are rectangles and trapezoids different?

A rectangle must have two (2) pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid only needs one (1). A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles, a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of opposite parallel sides.

What kind of polygon has 2 pairs of equal sides but is not a parallelogram?

A kite or a trapezoid.(Rectangles, rhombuses, and squares AREparallelograms.)