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An acre contains 43,560 square feet. The conversion say that it would be .115 of an acre.

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Q: What is 50x100 of an acre?
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The Emerson 50x100 Refractor Telescope with Tripod has a 50mm objective lens diameter.

How many square ft is a 50x100 lot?

50 ft x 100 ft = 5000 ft2

In relation to a mile if I have property that is 50x100 sq ft?

A mile is a measure of length (5,280 feet) Your 50 x 100 is an AREA- of 5,000 square feet (not the same as length) A square mile (5280 x 5280 ) would hold just over 5,575 bits of land that were 50x100 each.

what is 50X100=5000?

You just answered your own question? 50 x 100 = 5,000 omggg kageyama senpai

What fraction of an acre is 0.322 acre?

0.322 acre is 322/1000 acre. This can be simplified to 161/500 acre, which means 0.322 acre is equivalent to 161/500 acre.

What size does a group avatar on DeviantArt have to be?

it can be 50x50 or 50x100 EDIT: 100x100 is the preferred and most used size. Now for your own personal avatar it has to be 50x50

How many gunta in one acre land?

i acre = 40 guntasi acre = 40 guntasi acre = 40 guntasi acre = 40 guntas

What was the site of the siege of the Third Crusade?

Acre Acre Acre

When was White Acre vs. Black Acre created?

White Acre vs. Black Acre was created in 1856.

How many acre feet of water does it take to water an acre of corn?

An acre is a constant unit of measurement - an acre of anything is equal to an acre of anything else.

What is a mineral acre?

a mineral acre is the same size as a land acre but worth more if theres minerals under the acre