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Q: What is A plane figure made up of sides joined at endpoints?
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what is a plane figure made up of sides joined by endpoints?

You may be fishing for "polygon", but I thinksomething in your description has gang aglae.

What is a plane made up of sides joined at endpoints?

A plane is made up of an infinite number of sides (lines) that are joined at endpoints. This creates a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions. Each side of a plane is defined by two points.

What figure which is made up of line segment called sides and joined at endpoints called vertices?

Well a triangle has 3 sides and vertices.

What is a closed plane figure with at least three sides that are segments which only intersect at their endpoints and have no two adjacent sides that are coplanar?

a triangle

What is a figure wich is made up of line segments called sides and is joined t endpoints called vertices?

Any polygon is.

What figure is made up of line segments called sides and is joined at endpoints vertices?

Any closed polygon could be made using the descriptions above.

Which plane figure has eight sides?

A plane figure with eight sides is an octagon.

Meaning of spatial figure in math?

Spatial figure is a three dimensional figure. It is made up of plane figure whose all sides are joined together to form a close figure

Why is a regular polygon different from other polygons?

regular polygon-all the sides are the same length and the angles have the same measurement. polygon-a closed plane figure whose sides are segments that intersect at their endpoints.

Is a quadrilateral any plane figure with four straight sides?

A quadrilateral is a closed plane figure with four straight sides.

A closed plane figure with 3 or more sides?

If they are straight sides, then a polygon. Otherwise, simply "a closed plane figure with 3 or more sides".

What is a plane figure for the triangle?

its self because a plane figure is a figure that is flat and has all strait sides.