"The Diamond Theorem" -- see below -- is described as "... finite projective geometry," showing the number of permutations possible in "... the four-diamond figure as a 4x4 array of two-colour, diagnnally-divided squares."
About 20% of all diamonds mined are gem-quality diamonds.
You may be thinking of gemstones and industrial diamonds. Gemstones represent about 20% of all diamonds mined, and the remainder is industrial diamonds.
Yes, diamonds can cut glass, because diamonds are harder than glass.
The plural possessive is diamonds'.
a diamonds cleavage is the cleavage of a diamond
The kinetic theory states that all matter is composed of tiny particles in constant motion. In the case of diamonds, this theory explains that the carbon atoms that make up a diamond are in motion, vibrating in place but not moving around like in a liquid or gas. This motion gives diamonds their structure and hardness.
Yes, it is possible to turn coal into diamonds through a process called "high-pressure high-temperature synthesis." This involves subjecting carbon-bearing materials like coal to extreme pressure and temperature conditions similar to those found deep within the Earth where diamonds are formed.
Diamonds Diamonds was created in 1982.
Kiran diamonds are manufactured diamonds: real, manufactured diamonds.
Yes blood diamonds and conflict diamonds are the same thing. They can also be called converted diamonds, war diamonds or hot diamonds. Hopefully this answered your question.
50 Pixie Diamonds- $3.00115 Pixie Diamonds- $7.00240 Pixie Diamonds- $15.00585 Pixie Diamonds- $35.00
You can find carbon from diamonds in diamonds.
Yellow diamonds are gemstones with a definitive yellow appearance.
There are several companies that create synthetic diamonds or cultured diamonds. One such company that creates the best synthetic diamonds is New World Diamonds.
Retro diamonds are basically fake diamonds.
Diamonds are odorless. They do not have a smell.
Diamonds diamonds and more diamonds