It is the 18th largest state in area and the 13th largest in population.
Florida is ranked 22nd in size among the United States of America.
Kansas is ranked 15th in size.
Arizona ranks 6th with 113,998.3 square miles.
ranks #1 with 37,253,956 acording to 2010 census.
It ranks 47th among the 50 US States.
Number 49.
It is #22 in area and #4 in population.
It ranks #45 among the US States.
It is second in size (area) to Alaska.
illinois rank in population among states
Idaho has the 14th largest area among the US States.
It is the 35th largest US State.
It is 17th in area and 46th in population.
Hawaii is ranked 43rd in area.
Vermont is #45 in total area among the 50 US States.