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A circle is a 360º curve.

A 25º curve means that the two radius lines which give the start and end of the curve are 25 degrees apart (even if they are not 'visible' in the curve).

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Q: What is a 25 degree curve?
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Does the degree of a curve effect acceleration?

Yes, the degree of a curve can affect acceleration. In a curve with a higher degree, the change in direction is sharper, which can lead to higher acceleration as the vehicle needs to adjust its speed to navigate the curve effectively. In contrast, curves with lower degrees may require less acceleration due to their more gradual changes in direction.

Can you get epidural with scoliosis?

it depends on the place and degree of the curve. i could not, but my curve is in the lower spine. a friend of mine could b/c her curve was higher. you need to discuss it with your doctor.

The degree of income inequality among households is demonstrated by the?

the Lorenz curve

What is a Lorenz curve?

The Lorenz curve was developed by Max O. Lorenz. The Lorenz curve is a visual representation in economics which displays the income distribution of a nation graphically. On the y-axis, you have income distribution (either as a percentage, or in decimal form); on the x-axis, there is population distribution of total wealth. There is an upward sloping, 45 degree reference line that shows perfectly equal distribution of wealth (i.e 25% of the lowest income earners have 25% of the nation's income). From the Lorenz curve, you can calculate the Gini coefficient; the closer the coefficient is to zero, the more distributed the income of a nation is.

How serious is scoliosis?

It all depends on the degree of your curve, I had around an 85 degree curve, and had to have surgery. but it could be smaller, and you wouldn't have to do anything about it.

How get degree of curvature?

First, divide 180 by pi (3.14159).Multiply that answer by 100.You should have approximately 5729.5779514.This result we will refer to as the Circular Ratio.Divide the Circular Ratio by the Radius of the curve.The answer is The Degree Of Curvature for that curve.Graphically: measure the angle it takes to make a curve 100 feet long.That angle is The Degree Of Curvature for that curve.

Will any 4 points on a graph produce a Cubic equation?

Any 4 points in the Cartesian plane determine a unique equation that is of degree at most three (i.e., a "cubic" equation). It is, of course, possible that the 4 points actually lie on a degree two ("quadratic"), a degree one ("linear"), or a degree zero ("constant") equation. However, if the 4 points do not lie on a constant, linear, or quadratic curve, then they will like on a unique cubic curve. In general, N points will determine a unique curve of degree at most (N-1).

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Is there a curve to the global state regents?

Yes, there will be a curve,but no one knows how much it will be yet; we'll find out Thursday June 25 2009

Is there a relationship between the degree of a polynomial and the number of times its graphed curve changes direction?

I think that there is not .

Is a 25 degree angle is congruent to a 25 degree angle?

Yes. Angles are congruent if they have the same measure.

25 percent What is the degree of 25?
