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Q: What is a 3 dimensional picture created by laser light called?
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What is the three dimensional image produced by laser beams called?

A hologram?

What is the three-dimensional image produced by laser light?

A hologram is a three-dimensional image produced by laser light. It appears to have depth and can be viewed from different angles, giving a sense of spatial presence. Holograms are created by recording the interference pattern between two laser beams on a photosensitive material.

What is the three dimensional image produced by laser light?

the three-dimensional image produced by laser light is a hologram

What is a photo taken with laser light?

A photo taken with a laser light is called a hologram. A hologram is a special kind of photograph that is produced by a laser and appears three-dimensional.

Why is a printer called a printer?

jokey question but the answer is: the laser draws and then prints a page out with the picture of jls

How are holograms created?

Hologram is the technique of producing three dimensional images using laser beams.

What is a three-demensional image produced by laser light?

A hologram is a three-dimensional image produced by laser light. It is created by recording the interference pattern of two separate laser beams on a photosensitive material. When illuminated with a light source, the hologram recreates the original object in three dimensions.

What do you call a three dimensional photograph taken with laser light?


When was Plymouth Laser created?

Plymouth Laser was created in 1990.

When was Laser Performance created?

Laser Performance was created in 1969.

When was Electric Laser created?

Electric Laser was created in 2008.

When was LASER Airlines created?

LASER Airlines was created in 1993.