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An 3d trapezoid

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Q: What is a 3 dimensional trapezoid called?
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What is a three dimensional trapezoid called?


What is the formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.

Is a trapezoid three dimensional?


Is a trapezoid a 2 dimensional shape?

A trapezoid is a 2 dimensional shape and it is classed as a quadrilateral because it has 4 sides.

Is a trapezoid a prism?

No. A trapezoid is a 2-dimensional shape. A prism is a 3-D solid. A trapezoidal prism has ends in the shape of identical trapezoids, and that is its cross-section.

How are trapezoid and rectangle?

They are both 2 dimensional polygons

What is a 3d trapezium called?

A three-dimensional trapezium is called a trapezoid. It is a four-sided figure with at least one pair of parallel sides.

Can a trapezoid have 3 bases?

No, a trapezoid cannot have 3 bases. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides. The parallel sides are called bases of the trapezoid. Therefore, there can only be 2 bases.

What is the formula for the volume of a trapezoid?

The formula isV = 0 . Being a 2-dimensional entity, a trapezoid has no volume.That is, a trapezoid can't hold any water.

What is the difference between a trapezium and a trapezoid?

Trapezium is a two dimensional figure and trepezoid is a three dimensional figure

How do you find the volume of a trapezoid?

With great difficulty because a trapezoid is a 2 dimensional shape which has no volume but it does have a surface area.

What is arranged in a 3 dimensional pattern?

A lattice is arranged in a 3 dimensional pattern