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Q: What is a bold line of high sttep cliffs called?
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How high are the Cliffs of Moher?

The Cliffs are 214 metres or 702 feet high at the highest point.

Does the moon have cliffs?

Yes, the moon has cliffs. These cliffs are called "scarps", and they are formed by tectonic activity on the moon's surface. Some of these scarps can be several miles high and extend for long distances across the lunar landscape.

What planet is covered in craters and has high cliffs?

Mercury is the planet that is covered in craters and has high cliffs. Its surface is heavily cratered due to impacts from asteroids and comets, and also features steep cliffs called scarps that formed as the planet cooled and shrank.

What is a high steep wall of rock called?

A high, steep wall of rock is called a "cliff." Cliffs are vertical or near-vertical rock exposures that can be found along coastlines, mountainsides, or canyons. They are formed through various geological processes such as erosion, faulting, or volcanic activity. Cliffs can vary in height and are often popular for rock climbing and sightseeing due to their dramatic and picturesque appearance.

What is the name of a high steep rock?

A high steep rock is called a cliff. Cliffs are vertical rock faces that can be found along coastlines, mountains, or canyons.

How many hands high was Bold reasoning?

Bold reasoning was 16.2 hands high at the withers.

What planet has cliffs 3 km high?


A deep narrow inlet of the sea between high steep cliffs is called what?

Fjord. An Fjord is a body of water open to the sea which is bordered on both sides by land, usually with steep cliffs, but not always.

What is a valley between high cliffs called in Spanish?

canyon = garganta, desfiladero, congosto Note: The Spanish cognate "cañon" means "cannon" not "canyon".

How did THE ROCK become the Newfoundland nickname?

The island of Newfoundland is often called "The Rock", because of its rocky terrain and high cliffs. My thanks to Carson Vincent for this information

What are the cliffs of dover in Ireland?

The Cliffs of Dover are located in England , not Ireland. They face the English Channel and France. In the Republic of Ireland are the Cliffs of Mohar. They are on the west coast facing the Atlantic Ocean. They are several hundred feet high.

What is called an area of elevated flat land?

An area of elevated flat land is called a plateau. Plateaus are flat areas of high ground that are usually separated from surrounding areas by steep slopes or cliffs.