Well, isn't that just a happy little question! A shape with a centillion sides is called a "centillion-gon." Just imagine all those sides dancing together in harmony, creating a beautiful geometric masterpiece on your canvas. Remember, there are no mistakes in art or math, only happy little accidents waiting to be discovered.
it is called a seven sided shape in Canada
An five sided shape is called a Pentagon
A 90 sided shape is called Enneacontagon.
A 128-sided shape is called a hecatoicosioctagon.
it is called a henagon is a one sided shape
it is called a seven sided shape in Canada
A Centillion Sided polygon is called a Hipintigon. I say this because the very large illions are based on polygons. And because illion number 1 Hectillion is a Hipintillion, I used the way to turn polygons into illions and just reversed it. There you go!
A 10-sided shape is called a decagon.
An five sided shape is called a Pentagon
a 69 sided shape is called a sexagon
A 90 sided shape is called Enneacontagon.
The 22 sided shape is called a: ICOSIKAIDIGON
A five-sided shape is called a pentagon.
A 128-sided shape is called a hecatoicosioctagon.
A seven sided shape is called a heptagon.