I have a circle that measures 42" in diameter. I have to put fabric around that at a 2.5 to 1 fullness. What is the flat piece of fabric I need
circumference = pi*100mm
39 inches / pi = 12.4 inches
A pair of compasses are use to construct circles and arcs of circles
No, circles do not have angles.
The circumferance of the moon is 6790 miles.
The circumferance of a circle is equal to 2 x pi x r, where r is the radius, i.e. approximately 6.2832 than its radius. Divide the circumferance from the figure above to get the radius of a circle in which the circumferance is known.
circumference/pi = diameter
It is: 10*pi
circumference = pi*100mm
6.0 cm
This question replies completely on the plane of reference.
9 inches around
The circumference is approximately 37.7 yards.
radius = circumference/2*pi