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33 = 27 which is three cube equals twenty seven

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Q: What is a cube in exponents?
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I thought the answer was: 6 x 3squaredcmsquared

What does the exponent or power mean in math?

An integer exponent is the number of times that a number is multiplied by itself. For example: if the exponent of a is 3, then it represents the number a3 = a*a*a. The laws of exponents can be extended to arrive at definitions of negative exponents [a-3 = 1/a3] and fractional exponents [a1/3 is the cube or third root of a]. These definitions can be further extended to exponents that are irrational numbers, or even complex number.

Can you have a fraction as an exponent of a constant?

yes you can. The numerator of the exponent is the normal integer type of exponent degree you are most used to seeing. The denominator of the exponent is similar to the degree of the root, as in square root, cube root, etc. Pi is of course a constant. Pi to power of 3/2, π3/2, is the same as the square root of the quantity pi cubed (which is the same as the cube of the square root of pi). Fractional exponents (rational exponents) follow the same algebra rules as integer exponents.

What is the square root of x divided by the cube root of x?

When multiplying two values of the same base raised to different exponents, all you need to do is add the exponents. Similarly, when dividing them, you can simply subtract the exponents. In the case of roots, the exponents are actually fractions, so you get: x1/2 ÷ x1/3 = x(1/2 - 1/3) = x(3/6 - 2/6) = x1/6

What is the cube root of the square root of pi?

The cube root of the square root of π is the 6th root of π. ³√(√π) = 6√π. Using exponents, (π1/2)1/3 = π1/2 x 1/3 = π1/6

If two exponents have the same factor or base what happens to the exponents when the exponents are multipled?

The exponents are added.

What is the cube root of the fourth power of x?

This is written x4/3 . In fractional exponents, the denominator is the root and the numerator is the power. It may help to note that x 1/3 is another way to write "cube root of x" and x4/3 = (x4)1/3

How do you find the largest cube factor of a number?

The answer depends on how good you are.You can either factorise the number completely and express it in terms of the exponents of its prime factors. Any prime with an exponent of 3 (or a multiple of 3) is a cube factor.A faster, but more demanding way is to see if 8, 27, 64 ... are factors.The answer depends on how good you are.You can either factorise the number completely and express it in terms of the exponents of its prime factors. Any prime with an exponent of 3 (or a multiple of 3) is a cube factor.A faster, but more demanding way is to see if 8, 27, 64 ... are factors.The answer depends on how good you are.You can either factorise the number completely and express it in terms of the exponents of its prime factors. Any prime with an exponent of 3 (or a multiple of 3) is a cube factor.A faster, but more demanding way is to see if 8, 27, 64 ... are factors.The answer depends on how good you are.You can either factorise the number completely and express it in terms of the exponents of its prime factors. Any prime with an exponent of 3 (or a multiple of 3) is a cube factor.A faster, but more demanding way is to see if 8, 27, 64 ... are factors.

When adding numbers with exponents do you add or subtract the exponents?

you do not do anything when you add numbers with exponents. you just figure out the answer. it is only if you multiply numbers with exponents, where you add the exponents..

When adding numbers with fraction exponents do you add the exponents?

Fractional exponents follow the same rules as integral exponents. Integral exponents are numbers raised to an integer power.

When you are multiplying exponents do you only add the exponents or do you also multiply the bases?

Add the exponents

What is a factional exponents?

I guess you mean "fractional" exponents. That just means that the exponent is not a whole number. Example: x1/4. It makes sense to define such a fractional exponent as equivalent to (in this case) the fourth root of x. As another example, x3/4 is the same as the fourth root of (x3), which is the same as the cube of (the fourth root of x).