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The definition of vertices is the plural vertex. A vertex is point of intersection of two or more lines. A vertex can also be used to describe the angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other shape.

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Q: What is a definition for vertices in math?
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In math what are vertices?

Vertices are the points where edges meet and form an angle.

In math what shape has 9 vertices?

A polygon with 9 vertices is a nonagon.

What are vertices 1st grade math?

EdgesGeometric vertices are the corners of mathematical objects such as cubes.In trigonometry, vertices are the corners of an angle.

What is the difference between edges and vertices in Math?

Edges are the lines that connect the vertices. The vertices are the actual points where the edges meet.

What are vertices fourth grade math?

Vertices are the points on any shape. For example, A 2-dimentional square has 4 vertices.

What is the definition of diagonal in math?

A diagonal is a straight line joining any two non-adjacent vertices in a polygon or polyhedron or corresponding shapes in higher dimensional spaces.

What is a definition of vertices?

A vertex is the highest point of something. 'Vertices' is the plural usage of vertex.

What are vertices in math term?

Vertices are points in a solid, or 3-D figure, where edges meet.

What are vertices in 3rd grade math?

Vertices are on a shape when two sides meet up and create a corner. For example, a square has 4 vertices, a tringle has 3 vertices, a circle has no vertices. (singular is 'vertex').

How many vertices are on each wheel of a bicycle?

None. A wheel, be definition, is circular and therefore has no vertices!

What is the definition for opposite vertices?

Opposite vertices are two vertices of any polygon with an even number of sides that have the same number of sides between them.

How many faces vertices edges does a square based pyramid have?

5 faces 5 vertices 8 edges the math ;)