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In a mathematical equation the dimension is the number of variables that are allowed to vary or that determine the result of the equation.

In the equation Y = 4X + 35 ==> the variable Y is the dependant variable and the variable X is the independent or free component (allowed to vary) and the equation has one dimension or degrees of freedom.

In the equation Y = 13A + BC + 15AD + XZ/13 + 1092 ==> The variable Y is the dependant variable and the 6 variables A, B, C, D, X and Z are the independent or free components (allowed to vary) and the equation has 6 dimensions or degrees of freedom.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

a dimension in math is a LENGTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT, BASE, or anything of the sort of a 2 or 3 D object/ shape

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A point in math has no linear dimension (hence size).

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The dimensions are 2, 6 and 4 units.

What is a math dimensions?

Math dimensions determine the type of geometric object you are dealing with. 0 dimensions is a point, an object with no height, width, or depth. We draw points only to mark the loaction of the point. 1 dimension is the line, which has length but no width or depth. lines go on never ending in both directions, represented by the arrows on both sides. Rays are 1 dimension objects that never end only on one side. Line segments are 1 dimension objects that end on both sides. 2 dimension objacts are basic figures, and 3 dimension objects are complex figures like cubes, pryamids, etc.

What does densision mean?

It looks like there might be a typo in your question. Did you mean "dimension"? In math or science, a dimension refers to a specific aspect or characteristic of an object, such as length, width, or depth in three-dimensional space. It can also represent a measure of freedom or variability in a system.

What is the mean (math terms)?

in simple math terms it is the length times height of a 2 dimension object the units are squared so if the length is five in and the height is 4 inches then the area would be 20 inches^2(squared)

What is the math term area mean?

in simple math terms it is the length times height of a 2 dimension object the units are squared so if the length is five in and the height is 4 inches then the area would be 20 inches^2(squared)

What is the difference between a driving and driven dimension?

Driving Dimension: the geometry is controlled by the dimension. Driven Dimension: the dimension is controlled by the geometry.

Definition of point in math?

A point is a location in space. It has no length, breadth, width or a measure in any higher dimension. The space may contain one or more dimensions.

How did Albert Einstein come up with the idea of the fourth dimension?

Albert Einstein did not come up with the idea of the fourth dimension. The concept of the fourth dimension in physics and mathematics predates Einstein and is rooted in geometric and mathematical principles. Einstein's theories of relativity, specifically general relativity, involve the interplay of three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, creating a four-dimensional spacetime framework.